


Inspired by the number one PGA Tour Player. The Team at MG Golf Towels Calm, steady, focused, determined, and all strength. Blue, black and grey are colors that fully embody those attributes. Strictly business is how we see this color scheme and for all golfers who appreciate a golf towel with a clean and unique layout. A towel with culture and some AUSSIE AUSSIE .

  • Aggressive Microfiber Golf Towel
  • Extremely Lightweight
  • Handcrafted in The USA
  • 17” X 40”

34 in stock

SKU: BARNEY Category:


AUSSIE AUSSIE It’s Jayson’z-Day microfiber golf towels are inspired by the PGA Tour Golfer Jayson Day. Calm, steady, focused, determined, and all strength. Blue, black and grey are colors that fully embody those attributes.

Strictly business is how we see this color scheme and for all golfers who appreciate a golf towel with a clean and unique layout would more than appreciate a towel with culture and some AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE.

The team behind these awesome microfiber golf towels is deeply frustrated that almost everything that we use in America is sadly not made in America. It would be easy and more cost effective to have MG Golf Towels manufactured oversees but Team MG says blasphemy.

For those who question the cost of a handcrafted made in the USA products, we really don’t care for your business and you aren’t the clientele that we are making friends with. SORRY!

Serious golfers know that the golf towel is definitely the most used tool in your golf bag. You use it for everything. The microfiber golf towels are used for cleaning your golf balls, grips, shoes, sweat, and even to blow your nose. Just don’t forget which side you did that with.

The AUSSIE AUSSIE its Jayson’z-Day Microfiber Golf Towels by MG,  because of it’s awesome and lively personality, it will definitely not only enhance your golf gear but it represent the statement of your personality.

Too often you loose your golf towel, because it dropped somewhere. That will never happen with MG because you just look back and all of its personality and vibrancy will catch your eye a mile away.

Just visit Roger Dunn Golf Shops the largest retail golf shop in North America to see them displayed.

Lastly, another cool element of the AUSSIE AUSSIE it’s Jayson’z-Day MG Golf towels is that they are machine washable and as they age the cool colors turn into vintage pastels.


Microfiber Golf Towels with Mega Style


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