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The crew at MG is a small lot of individuals, who share the same passions, needs, wants and understandings. We share the same passions to do nothing else but play and talk golf everyday all over the world. We share the same needs to work our day jobs as a means to an end and that end is golf. We share the same wants and that is to play golf like touring pros. We also share the same understandings that we will never become touring pros, bummer!

PGA Championship at Quail Hollow
The PGA Championship at Quail Hollow kicks off in Charlotte North Carolina with a very accomplished and determined field. The who's who in Golf are present here and looking to add this Major event to their portfolio of wins. The PGA Championship has been in Golfs...

AMERICANS STOP BITCHING! Americans need to stop bitching about the outsourcing of their job markets. I mean everywhere you go this topic is heatedly debated as if it’s some new phenomenon. There is no denying the fact that the vast majority of the products we consume...

Steve Williams’ Out Of The Rough
I finally got around to picking up Steve Williams’ book OUT OF THE ROUGH. I mentioned I was reading it back in my post about how to improve your game while OFF the course. For golfers new to the game, Steve Williams spent 13 years as Tiger Woods’ caddy until the fall...